Tuesday, November 26, 2019


SPHERE is a great unpredictable and exciting novel. The transformations between Introduction,Rising Action, Climax, and the Summary is almost perfect. As the wire snagged something the crew laying the cable on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean realized they had a problem for their were no shipwrecks on the chart. They told someone and this went up the corporate line of command and soon the military found out that their was something on the bottom of the ocean and that The military put together a team of people ranging from a psychologist to a mathematician. They called in Norman Johnson to lead the team he was a psychologist who had dealt with many, many disasters in his years. He comes in and comforts eyewitnesses who can't deal with the sight and helps victims and family members deal with the loss of friends and family. Norman was called one day and told that their was an emergency and that they wanted him to come in and work. He suspected that it was another plane crash. This guess of his was bursted when he was loaded onto a military helicopter and took off. He flew over the dark blue Pacific ocean and flew for what was hours but seemed to be days. Hours and hours of dark blue water was ended with a speck of a ship that turned into an entire fleet of navy research vessels. He knew then that this was no The introduction of the book is very grabbing. You feel that this is just going to keep building and become fantastic. This feeling of amazement stays with throughout the introduction. As the rising action starts to take off you just sink into the same world that Norman, Beth, and Harry, the three protagonists, are living in. You start to feel claustrophobic as your reading about how confining the habitat on the ocean floor is. After the rising action gets going the "gang" as we will refer to them as will meet many hard problems and take risks. They battl...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Spelling Tips Free Rein or Free Reign

Spelling Tips Free Rein or Free Reign Spelling Tips: Free Rein or Free Reign? Today, we’re looking at one of the most commonly misspelled phrases in the English language: â€Å"free rein† and â€Å"free reign.† Both spellings are common, but the original (and technically correct) version is â€Å"free rein.† So why is this one correct? And what exactly does â€Å"free rein† mean? Let’s find out. The Origins of Free Rein The phrase â€Å"free rein† dates back to the seventeenth century. We use it to mean â€Å"give someone the freedom to do or say whatever they want†: The designers were given free rein to try new ideas. On a literal level, â€Å"reins† are the straps used to guide a horse. So to give someone â€Å"free rein† is to give them freedom in the same way that holding the reins loosely gives a horse freedom to move. This is also why we use the phrase â€Å"rein in† to mean â€Å"bring something under control.† Just trying reining me in, bozo. The Confusion: Rein vs. Reign Unfortunately, â€Å"rein† sounds exactly like â€Å"reign,† so they are easy to confuse. This second term can be either a noun or a verb, but in both cases refers to the rule of a king or queen. For instance, we could say: The reign of Queen Elizabeth II has been largely peaceful. King Henry VII reigned over England from 1485 to 1509. As a result, many people think the phrase about freedom is spelled â€Å"free reign.† This almost makes sense, as you could take the phrase to mean â€Å"the freedom to behave like a monarch.† Not all kings have much freedom, of course. Some can only move one space in any direction.(Photo: Michal Jarmoluk) Nevertheless, this spelling began as an error and many still consider it to be incorrect. As such, it is always better to write â€Å"free rein.† Free Rein or Free Reign? In formal writing, idioms can help you express yourself clearly and demonstrate your command of language. As such, although â€Å"free reign† is unlikely to cause confusion, â€Å"free rein† is still the correct spelling. To remember, keep the equestrian connection in mind. You will avoid errors as long as you recall that the â€Å"reins† in â€Å"free rein† are used to steer a horse. And if you need any help with your spelling, don’t forget to ask a proofreader.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Should China adopt a flexible exchange rate regime Essay

Should China adopt a flexible exchange rate regime - Essay Example United States of America is one of the key trading partners with China. However, there has been controversy surrounding China and its trading partners. China is blamed for not opening fully its vast domestic market to other foreign trading partners through its currency devaluation, fixed exchange rate regime and tighter import regulations. China has to make painful decisions on whether to allow its currency to appreciate or not. In addition, it has to choose from maintaining its fixed currency exchange rate regime or adopting a flexible exchange range regime. By studying its economy and listening to the concerns of its trading partners, China will be in a position to make decisions that best suit its interest as well as those of its trading partners. If China chooses maintain a devalued RMB, it will generate more wealth at the expense of its trading partners. Why China chooses to keep its currency artificially low compared to it trading partners. There are many reasons why China woul d wish to maintain artificially low currency as compared with those of its trading partners, especially against the dollar of the United States of America. According to James (2010) China wishes to maintain artificially low RMB exchange rate to other currencies of major trading partners in its interest. Federal Reserve (1999) revealed that a country devalues her own currency when it does not have sufficient foreign reserves or unwilling to spend foreign exchange reserves to maintain its exchange rate to foreign currencies. China is among the richest countries with high level of foreign exchange reserves in the world. However, it seems China has different ambitions and is unwilling to spend its foreign exchange reserves to keep RMB at a rate appropriate against the dollar. There are many genuine and valid reasons, which make China keep its currency artificially low. The first reason why china wants to maintain its devalued currency is because it wishes to maintain high levels of expo rts. By keeping its currency low, China is able to make its currency cheaper in relation to other major currencies. As a result, it makes its products and services cheaper to customers (consumers) in foreign countries. This will ensure that China continues to exports a lot of goods and services to other countries. China’s currency devaluation approach is consistent with foreign exchange theory that stipulates that that the lower the currency in relation with those of other trading partners, the lower the prices of exports hence a country will be able to export more. Higher exports as compared to imports will enable China to generate trade surpluses and build even more reserves of foreign currencies. The second reason why china wants to keep its currency low is to discourage its domestic consumers from purchasing imported goods and services. China’s artificially low currency will make foreign goods and services more expensive as compared to similar goods and services pr oduced in China. Devaluated currency discourages imports and China will be able to control quantity and value of imports entering its borders. When a country increases consumption of domestic goods and services, it keeps its factories running (Saccomanni, 2008). Therefore, the country is able to maintain its employment levels and even increase employment rates with increase in domestic consumption. Furthermore, by reducing the number of imports, China will be abl

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Case Study on Roles and Responsebilities (HRM) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

On Roles and Responsebilities (HRM) - Case Study Example As we progress through our careers, it is very important for us to keep learning about the latest discoveries and advancements in research so that we remain updated on the latest knowledge of our field. This empowers us and makes us knowledgeable so that we are able to deliver in any kind of situation and at any stage in our careers. Core skills are basically knowledge that one has; knowledge about how to do something, how to operate upon something, or how to connect things in a system to make it work. Competencies are, on the other hand, our abilities to do what we know. â€Å"In fact, some â€Å"skills† may be â€Å"competencies† in another organization. It’s not a black and white item that HR can make fit in all places for all things† (Browne). The difference between core skills and competencies can best be explained with the help of an example; Let’s suppose an individual is a very good structural engineer. He has sound knowledge of design and can design anything from infrastructure to multi-story buildings. A company is seeking such a structural engineer to prepare the design of its upcoming project. The employee is selected because he was able to convince the interviewer that he knew designing. However, the employee cannot get along with the peers well at job. He fights w ith fellow workers and is caught in controversies and thus gets fired within the first week. The employee did not have the competency to do the work although he was skilled. This means that certain other factors like personality and behavior were at play. In order to be successful, one requires both core skills and competencies. Customers’ needs in the oil and gas industry are satisfied by processing the natural resources extracted from the earth through a system. In order to run that system, there is need of money and resources. First, the system needs to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Preparing and Writing Essay Example for Free

Preparing and Writing Essay A basic key to producing good essays is to start early and work steadily over an extended period. Build in time for distractions and problems (e.g. illness or disk failure), and allow for deadline bunching. Plan to complete well before the deadline to allow yourself some leeway. As a rough guide, you might allow three weeks for work on a course essay. The deadline is intended to help you with time management make sure you adhere to it. Reflect on the feedback obtained on your previous essays. What strengths and weaknesses were identified? Think about how best to overcome the weaknesses. For example, if your essays have been criticised for limited knowledge of the literature or lack of depth, this may indicate that you need to devote more preparation time and increase or change the breadth and depth of your reading; if criticised for poor structure or limited relevance, you are likely to benefit from spending more time on careful planning and editing/reorganising the final draft. Using course essays to work on your weaknesses can help you produce a better essay as well as help to improve your general writing skills. Look more:  how to write a process paper Do some preliminary reading to help you choose an essay topic. The reading lists for the essays provide guidance on sources of preliminary reading. Generally it is useful to choose reading that is relatively recent, this is likely to include a summary of earlier work, some of which you may explore in more detail later. It can also be helpful at an early stage to make use of EconLit and the Library catalogue to check on the availability and nature of supplementary reading on a topic. As should be obvious, you should try to choose a topic that you find interesting. This will help motivate you to work on the essay and is also likely to make the end product more interesting for the reader/marker. Note that interest tends to increase as you work on a topic, providing you don’t leave it all to the last minute. Once you have chosen a topic (or even to help you choose from a short-list of topics), use your initial reading to produce a draft outline plan of your essay. The general advice on what makes a good essay, set out below, should help you to produce an effective plan. A basic plan would typically divide the essay/dissertation into a series of logically ordered sections. This skeleton structure can then be filled out by fitting ideas, relevant references, work and information required, into the planned sections (making use of references from preliminary reading, EconLit etc.) Taking time to construct an effective annotated outline plan should help you to: †¢ Produce a well-structured and coherent essay. †¢ Organise the subsequent work on your essay/dissertation and plan your study time more effectively. †¢ Read actively and more effectively making you think about how further reading fits into your plan and, possibly, adapting your plan in response to new information or ideas. Although the ingredients of a good essay can vary between courses and topics, the following broad guidelines are generally applicable. Structure: †¢ Ensure that your essay/dissertation has a clear logical structure. †¢ Use the introduction to motivate the topic, set it in perspective and outline the structure of the body of your essay to help the reader follow the argument. †¢ Use the conclusions to draw together the argument, provide an overall assessment and, possibly, indicate areas that might be developed further if space allowed. General content: †¢ The primary focus should be on analysis, not description or presentation of information. †¢ Make it clear that you have a good understanding of the relevant basic literature. But avoid devoting too much space to repeating standard textbook material. Generally you can make clear that you understand the basics in the context of presenting a more advanced or deeper analysis. †¢ Be innovative think of an interesting and different angle on the topic; draw on ideas from other courses (including non-economics courses) or general reading; go beyond the standard literature by making good use of EconLit or other reference sources; be prepared to challenge standard approaches. This is likely to make the essay more interesting for you and the reader/marker. †¢ Remember it is your essay, it should reflect your informed thought and judgements on the topic, not simply reiterate or paraphrase the views of others. Analysis and models: †¢ The appropriate mode of analysis can vary between courses and topics. In the vast majority of cases economics essays will involve the use of an explicit model or models. Formal models help to provide a clear logical structure, which is a major reason for their use in economics. †¢ When presenting a model, you need to make clear that you understand the model. This involves more than simply copying a set of equations from an article or book. To signal your understanding you might for example: provide an intuitive explanation of the overall model or key steps in solving the model; work out some steps in a model’s solution explicitly, when (as is often the case) this is not done explicitly in the original source; develop and work through a variation of the model not developed explicitly in the reading; compare and contrast the model with other related models; assess the assumptions used and the limitations they pose; apply the model judiciously to a particular situation. Presentation and style: †¢ Grammar and spelling matter. Leave plenty of time for editing the final draft to improve grammar. Use a spellchecker, but remember that spell checkers do not pick up all mistakes. Incorrect spelling of names and jargon can be particularly irritating. †¢ Be precise and concise. Conciseness allows you to include more within the word limit. †¢ Think about how to present data or information effectively. Tables or figures can be useful presentational tools. †¢ References should be presented accurately and consistently. See the lists of preliminary readings for a suggested standard style. Citations and plagiarism: †¢ Quotations should be used judiciously, if at all, to support or illustrate an argument. The source of any quotation should be clearly stated, including the page reference. †¢ Data sources should be clearly cited. †¢ When summarising or describing someone’s work the source or sources should be clearly stated. †¢ The University of Edinburgh’s Undergraduate Assessment Regulations state: â€Å"Plagiarism is the act of copying or including in one’s own work, without adequate acknowledgement, intentionally or unintentionally, the work of another. It is academically fraudulent and an offence against University discipline.† (http://www.docs.sasg.ed.ac.uk/AcademicServices/Regulations/UG_AssessmentRegulations.PDF, para. 14.2) †¢ The University of Edinburgh’s Guidance on the Avoidance of Plagiarism for Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Students states: â€Å"Plagiarism is the act of including in one’s own work the work of another person, without adequate acknowledgement of having done so, either deliberately or unintentionally.† (http://www.docs.sasg.ed.ac.uk/AcademicServices/Discipline/StudentGuidanceUGPGT.pdf ) †¢ The Undergraduate Assessment Regulations add â€Å"The innocent misuse or citation of material without formal and proper acknowledgement can constitute plagiarism, even when there is no deliberate intent to cheat. Work may be plagiarised if it consists of close paraphrasing or unacknowledged summary of a source, as well as word-for-word transcription. Any failure adequately to acknowledge or properly reference other sources in submitted work could lead to lower marks and to disciplinary action being taken.† (http://www.docs.sasg.ed.ac.uk/AcademicServices/Regulations/UG_AssessmentRegulations.PDF , para. 14.2) †¢ The three preceding bullet points avoid plagiarism, by properly acknowledging sources (but would not, on their own, constitute a good essay or dissertation). Most study skills books contain further advice on essay writing. The Main Library Reading Room has an extensive collection of study skills books, which contain advice on essay writing. Several books are devoted specifically to writing skills, for example:

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hester Prynne and Abigail Williams in The Crucible by Arthur Miller :: Essay on The Crucible

American literature often examines people and motives. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, and in Aruthur Miller’s modern dramatic masterpiece, The Crucible, people and motives often depict patters of Puritans struggling for life during a shaky time. Two main characters from both pieces of works share the traits of a struggling Puritan as adulators. Even tough Hester and Abigail have similar traits, their sins differ dramatically and were punished differently.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hester Prynne is a woman in Boston who is strong of her will. For example she had a daughter and refused to give out her father’s name. She says, “…my child must seek a heavenly father and shall never know an earthly one'; (Hawthorne 64). She is a very truthful woman except for one time. A good example would be when she has to lie to her daughter, Pearl, about the letter she wears on her chest. She claims she wears it “for the sake of its gold thread'; (166). Hester is also an adulator who is punished by the village. Abigail Williams is a teenager who is a great liar. She manages to pull off a big witch-hunt with skills probably as great as an actor does. She is also the niece of the town minister, Reverend Samuel Paris.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both these women do know the feelings of being an adulator though. Even though Hester’s affair is known publicly. Hester fell in love with the minister Aruthur Dimmesdale. They are very much in love but then she gives birth to his child and is ridiculed by the public. Abigail believes she is in love with a farmer named John Proctor. She wants his wife dead. A good example is when John Proctor says “…she thinks to dance with me on my wife’s grave…';(Miller 102), which obviously means she wants Goody Proctor erased. Both women meet their loved ones in secret until their loved ones died.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Adultery was a significant part in these women’s lives. As any reader can see, even people with the same traits have many different faults. Such as their ability to speak the truth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Even though both women are adulators, Hester is a truthful woman who never lies. She only lies one time to her daughter when approached by the question of what the scarlet letter stands for. Hester also never lies when approached by ministers to confess whom the accomplice were. She just says, “I will not speak'; (Hawthorne 64).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Definition of Child Development

A definition of child development Child development is another way of saying how children develop through different stages or how children grow and learn. It also refers to the biological and psychological changes that occur in human beings between start and the end of adolescence. The developmental areas are physical, emotional, social, educational and cognitive. The ideal development of children is considered vital to society and it is important to understand these areas. These areas are connected to one another. As a child grows in one domain, this will effect and is then influenced by another domain of development.These domains are important in development because they focus on the whole child. New theories and methods have been found due to research in this area, with specific regard to teaching that promotes development in the schools. Also there are some theories that aim to describe a sequence of different states that make child development. Explanation and example of holisti c development Holistic development is an individual’s development in the following areas; intellectual, emotional, social, physical, artistic, creative and religious values and feelings. It is the development of the entire brain's thoughts and feelings.To become a tennis player you need to develop Physical – motor skills, general co-ordination, moving around the tennis court, hand eye co-ordination, hitting the tennis ball with the tennis racket Cognitive/intellectual – thinking the game, having a game plan, Emotion – self-esteem and self – expression some tennis players are quite where some are loud, handling negative moments when losing a match Communication – explaining how you’re playing, reasons for doing good and not so well, Behavioural and moral skills – taking turns in training, co-operating with others, social skills, having fun while playing, team work when playing doubles.General pattern The pattern of development C hildren’s development follows a pattern: From head to toe Development progresses downwards. Physical control and co-ordination begins with a child’s head and develops down the body through the arms, hands and back, and finally to the legs and feet From inner to outer Development progresses from actions nearer the body to more complex ones further from the body. For example, children can co-ordinate their arms, using gross motor skills to reach for an object, before they have learned the fine motor skills necessary to use their fingers to pick it up. During puberty there is another growth spurt; this time the growth starts at the outside of the body and works inwards. Hands and feet expand first; the shin bones lengthen before the thigh, and the forearm before the upper arm; finally, the spine grows). From simple to complex Development progresses from simple actions to more complex ones. For example, children stand before they can walk, and walk before they can skip or hop. From general to specific Development progresses from general responses to specific ones.For example, a young baby shows pleasure by a massive general response – the eyes widen, and the legs and arms move vigorously While an older child shows pleasure by smiling or using appropriate words or gestures. The several aspects of development are intricately linked: each affects and is affected by the others. For example, once children have reached the stage of emotional development at which they feel secure when apart from their main carer, they will have access to a much wider range of relationships, experiences and opportunities for learning.Similarly, when children can use language effectively, they will have more opportunities for social contact. If one aspect is vulnerable or neglected in some way, children will be challenged in reaching their full potential. Areas of development page 2 The areas of development described in this book are these: Physical development Physica l development is the way in which the body increases in skill and becomes more complex in its performance. There are two main areas: Gross motor skills: These use the large muscles in the body, and include walking, running, climbing and the like.Fine motor skills: These include gross skills and fine skills. †¢ Gross manipulative skills involve single limb movements, usually of the arm, for example throwing, catching and making sweeping arm movements. †¢ Fine manipulative skills involve precise use of the hands and fingers, for example pointing, drawing, using a knife and fork or chopsticks, writing or doing up shoelaces. Sensory development Physical development also includes sensory development. Sensation is the process by which we receive information through the senses: vision hearing smell ouch taste proprioception. Proprioception is the sense that tells people where the mobile parts of their body, such as the arms and legs, are in relation to the rest of the body. Cogni tive and language development Cognitive or intellectual development is development of the mind – the part of the brain that is used for recognising, reasoning, knowing and understanding. Perception involves people making sense of what they see, hear, touch, smell and taste. Perception is affected by previous experience and knowledge, and by the person’s emotional state at the time.Language development Language development is the development of communication skills. These include skills in: receptive speech – what a person understands expressive speech – the words the person produces articulation – the person’s actual pronunciation of words. Emotional and social development Emotional development Emotional development involves the development of feelings: the growth of feelings about, and awareness of, oneself the development of feelings towards other people the development of self-esteem and a self-concept. Social developmentSocial developmen t includes the growth of the child’s relationships with other people. Socialisation is the process of learning the skills and attitudes that enable the child to live easily with other members of the community. Moral and spiritual development Moral and spiritual development consists of a developing awareness of how to relate to others ethically, morally and humanely. It involves understanding values such as honesty and respect, and acquiring concepts such as right and wrong and responsibility for the consequences of one’s actions.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Personal Narrative and First-Hand Observation Essay

Personal Narrative and First-Hand Observation in a Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass, the Ballot or the Bullet, and Dance with the Devil By davidleny Personal narrative and first-hand observation are key components if an author wishes to be effective in his writing. Through the use of personal narrative and first- hand observation, the author is able to gain sympathy from or relate to the audience. Although it can be argued the use of these two components does not result in effective writing, it is proven to be true in Frederick Douglass’ A Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X’s The Ballot or the Bullet, and Immortal Technique’s Dance with the Devil. In A Narrative Life Of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass, Frederick uses his personal life experience to demonstrate the inhumane brutality and mistreatment against the African American slaves. Douglass is effective in his writing and attracts the attention of the audience. For example, earlier in the narrative Frederick mentions how loving and caring his grandmother was and how she took care of and nurtured every slave child. Later on in the narrative he mentions that when his old masters die, his grandmother was isolated and taken away from her children to live alone in the woods in a mud chimney hut. Text 1) The use of Douglass’ personal experience with his grandmother captivates his audience because the African American enslaved community, whom this narrative at the time was directed towards, also had a grandmother who nurtured them. Likewise in The Ballot or The Bullet by Malcolm X, Malcolm discusses that even though people have differences, we all face the same problem. Malcolm expresses that whether you are Muslim, Baptist, or Methodist, we all are going to suffer the decisions of the man that is in charge of us. (Text 2) The audience is able to connect to his experience because e involved people of all religions. Malcolm’s experience allows the audience to become aware of what is to come and that they will all suffer the consequences. Malcolm is effective in his writing because he includes the rights of every human. The audience concerning their well being of is captivated and becomes aware of the situation. Furthermore in Dance with the Devil by Immortal Techniques, the artist reveals the truth that not everyone is good, that everyone has evil in them. The artist’s engagement of all races and of the welfare of the people gains the attention f the audience and is effective. For example, the artist says that the person right next to you could be the devil and that the devil consumes the hearts of the selfish and the wicked. (Text 3, Lines 1,2, and 5. ) His use of the devil as evil supports his belief that not everything is good. First-hand observation and personal narrative is required to have effective writing in order to grasp the attention of the audience. This is evident in Frederick Douglass’ A Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X’s The Ballot or the Bullet, and Immortal Technique’s Dance with the Devil.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

A Piece On Wanting to Take Credit

A Piece On Wanting to Take Credit Publishing is hard. No doubt about it. But sometimes authors get so caught up in the publishing aspect of the profession that we forget the reader doesnt give a darn how the book was made, researched, written, published, or promoted. The point is for a reader to find a good story and feel that it is theirs. Theyve allowed this story into their life, committed hours and days to reading it, in hope that its memorable enough to improve their quality of existence. As a minimum, provide a wonderful experience to remember . . . hopefully a book to recommend to others. While this may sound weird to you, after infusing so much time and effort into the story, the end game is not to get credit for the book. Its to give the world a great story experience. â€Å"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.†Ã‚  ~Harry Truman For instance, books that Ill usually pass up, are  promoted  as: 1) free 2) cheap 3) self-published 4) five years in the making (or other number) 5) an authors greatest achievement 6) a great first book Books Ill give a second glance at, are promoted as: 1) a great story about 2) an award-winning story about 3) a poignant story about 4) recommended 5) a wonderful beach read, I want the author to care that I have a great time reading. I want the author to promise me a treat for investing my time. I want the author to make my life better. This is why we write. To fulfill a promise to the reader. To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.   Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

5 Cases of Dangling Modifiers

5 Cases of Dangling Modifiers 5 Cases of Dangling Modifiers 5 Cases of Dangling Modifiers By Mark Nichol Take care that when you begin a sentence with a subordinate clause- a string of words that does not stand on its own as a complete statement but supports the main clause- the modifying phrase pertains to the sentence’s subject and not to some other noun or noun phrase. Here are five sentences that fail the test, with explanations and revisions. 1. Despite being reluctant to start a film career, Alan Rickman’s initial foray into cinema found him nearly stealing Die Hard away from Bruce Willis and cementing his status as a master of memorable bad guys. This sentence suggests that Alan Rickman’s movie debut was reluctant to begin a career in film. The modifying phrase must refer specifically to the person, not to a reference to something about the person, to repair this illogical error; simply insert his name, change the adjective reluctant to the noun reluctance, and, in the subject of the sentence, change his name to a pronoun: â€Å"Despite Alan Rickman’s reluctance about starting a film career, his initial foray into cinema found him nearly stealing Die Hard away from Bruce Willis and cementing his status as a master of memorable bad guys.† 2. Stopped up on blocks, I can see the boat from keel to top deck. Writers (or their editors) can often fix dangling modifiers- here, the writer describes herself, not the boat, as being stopped up on blocks- by starting the sentence with a subject and inserting the modifier as a parenthetical in the middle of the sentence: â€Å"I can see the boat, stopped up on blocks, from keel to top deck.† 3. Undrafted in 1987, the team welcomed John Smith to the franchise. John Smith, not the team, was undrafted in 1987, so, as with the previous example, exchange the modifying phrase and the subject to create a correct sentence: â€Å"The team welcomed John Smith, undrafted in 1987, to the franchise. 4. Bottled at the source, natural pressure forces the water toward a sealed delivery system. Again, starting with the subject is usually the best approach to repairing a dangling modifier. The water, not natural pressure, is bottled at the source, as is obvious in this revision: â€Å"The water, bottled at the source, is carried by natural pressure toward a sealed delivery system.† 5. With a successful track record at a young age, Smith decided that Jones was the man for the job. Who has the successful track record at a young age? The context may not be clear from this sentence presented in isolation, but Smith, the prospective employer, is impressed with job candidate Jones’s background, though the impressive track record could also pertain to Smith, so Jones’s name should be attached to the achievement to make it clear that this is what Smith finds appealing about Jones: â€Å"With Jones’s successful track record at a young age, Smith decided that he was the man for the job.† Better yet, also provide the sentence with a stronger start to replace the weak with: â€Å"Impressed by Jones’s successful track record at a young age, Smith decided that he was the man for the job.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund PhrasesTelling a Good Poem from a Bad OneWriting a Thank You Note

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Policy Analysis I Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Policy Analysis I Paper - Essay Example They have stated that it is the responsibility of the federal government in keeping the illegal aliens out of the country and expelling those who are in the country. This essay shows the characteristics of these illegal aliens in the criminal justice system at state, local and federal levels. The analysis done at the federal level is based on the data from the United States Sentencing Commission that contains info on the criminal defendants who have been sentenced according to the 1984 Sentencing Reform Act and Pretrial Services Act Information System that contains info of charged defendants having federal offences (Clark & Anderson, 2000). The numbers of the illegal aliens that are in the federal criminal justice have shot up sharply. This is because the border enforcement was increased, increase in inhabitant illegal alien population and better identification methods used for the illegal aliens. Other different factors may also play a role in the numbers of increased illegal aliens in the federal criminal justice. In determining what leads to the changes in criminal activities, Pretrial Services Act Information System and United States Sentencing Commission data are limited. After the introduction of Operations Hold the Line and Gatekeeper, the population of these illegal aliens’ defendants that were accused and convicted of crossing the border illegally increased. Even though the convictions for these offenses increased in other different districts, not the two districts that were the homes of the initiatives. Missing any details on the law enforcement initiatives in the data sets associated with every arrest, conclusions on the links between arrests and enforcements become suggestive. The ability in tracking the level of changes in criminal activities on the illegal aliens will be enhanced if increased data on the aliens is collected. The Cook County analysis showed that the enormous